B. 1783, D.7-APR-1868
By:JOE B.LYNN-1994
A lot is still unknown about the life of ASA LYNN. What
follows is what we know to this date. There is some
confusion as to his date of birth. Some say Ca.1777.
The best proof is from a claim filed by his 2nd wife,
MARY LYNN. In 1883 she filed a CLAIM OF WIDOW FOR
SERVICE PENSION for service in the WAR OF 1812, WITH
W.M. GALBREATH, in Gainesboro, Jackson County
Tennessee. She describes him as being six feet tall,
175 lbs., has black hair, fair skin. We can't make out
the color of his eyes, and that he was born in South
Carolina. She further states that before marriage her
name was MARY REAGAN, and that she had not been married
before. They were married by Justice of the Peace,
Marron Dixon, in Sept. 1845. Asa's first wife ELIZABETH
HAWKINS having died in March 1844. ELIZABETH was the
daughter of JOSEPH HAWKINS a Veteran of the
Revolutionary War, who had a farm adjoining ASA LYNN on
ASA had a farm consisting of 304 acres on SPRING CREEK in
Jackson County, Tennessee. It was near the Community of
Marengo, in Jackson County. It is located where Spring Creek
flows into Roaring River, near Overton Cemetary.We visited the
farm in the Fall of 1993, courtesy of Harold Hawkins, of Cookeville,
Tennessee. In the early days the MORGANS, LOFTIS,HAWKINS,
CREEK area.
ASA was drafted in Gainesboro, Tennessee 26-Jan-1814. He
served as a Private in Captain Bennett's Company, 4th
Regiment of the Tennessee Militia. He was granted a pension in 1834 for
life at $33.33 per annum. The spelling of his name in a
Land Deed to ARCHIBALD LOFTIS on 15-Jul-1854, was LYNN
and later in the deed as LINN. We can assume the first to
be correct, because all his Tennessee descendants have
all used that form to this date.
His lineage was Scot/Irish.
The following is a copy of a General Affidavit given by
W.M. GALBREATH on behalf of MARY LYNN to help her secure
a Widows Pension on 18-Jun-1883: QUOTE "Affiants was well
acquainted with ASA LYNN and his first wife ELIZABETH
LYNN. ASA LYNN died the 7th day of April 1868, his first
wife ELIZABETH died March 1844. Affiants knew ASA LYNN
and his wife ELIZABETH LYNN from their first
Recollections to the time of their deaths, having lived
in the same neighborhood of the desc'd all their lives.
Affiant POLLY TERRY states her daughter was born the 6th
day of January 1845, who's age is recorded in her Bible
and knows that ELIZABETH LYNN died in March before and
knows that MARY LYNN, widow has never remarried to any
one else and is still the widow of ASA LYNN. Affiant
MARGARET JOHNSON states _____ her son was born Sept. 8th
1843 and her Bible record showed that on March the
following that ELIZABETH LYNN first wife of ASA LYNN did
die and from recollection thinks it was from__________.
ASA LYNN family Bible shows that he died 7th of April
1868 which is as affiant now recollects it. Affiant also
states that MARY LYNN has never remarried to any one
else." Both POLLY and MARGARET signed with their marks.
MARY LYNN was granted a pension commencing on 9-March-
1878, of $8.00 per month, certificate was sent to the
pension agent 6-Jul-1883. Did she receive back pay?
The Tennessee Census has (ASA,Jr.?) listed in Jackson County in
1830, in Humphrey County in 1840, and back in Jackson
County in 1850.
Early Land records, Jackson County, Tennessee
Book 30, Page 487, #17856
Asa Lynn, 16 acres, North side Roaring River, adjacent to tracts said LYNN
Land grant was probably for service in the War of 1812 against England
(State Seal)
To all whom these presents shall come, Greetings. Entry No.2084 made in the office of the
Entry Taker of Jackson County and entered on the 16day of November 1833 pursuant to the
provisions of an act of the General Assembly of said State (_) day of January 1830, there is
granted by the said State of Tennessee unto Asa Lynn a certain tract or parcel of land
containing two Hundred acres by survey bearing date of the 23rd day of November, 1833,
lying in said County on the South side of the Cumberland River; beginning at a Beech the
Northwest corner of the said Lynn's fifty acre tract near said Lynn's House, where he lives,
thence south two-hundred and thirteen poles to a Beech on the east side of a branch, called
Areys branch, thence west one hundred and fifty poles to a popular and a white oak; thence south
two hundred thirteen poles to a white oak on the North side of a steep hollow; thence east
one hundred and fifty poles to the beginning. Including a peach orchard and the house where
Joel Curtis now lives.
With the herediaments and appurtenances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land
with its Appurtenances to the said ASA LYNN and his hiers forever.
In witness where of William Carroll, governor of the State of Tennessee has here unto set his hand
and caused the Great Seal of the state to be affixed at Nashville, on the 13 day of August, 1835 and
60th year of our Independence.
N, Cannon (signed)
By The Governor
Daniel Grahan
Secretary, P.J.
On the reverse side: Recorded my office, Book F page 27, No.3942, 200 Acres.
R. Nelson, Register of the Mountain District, Jackson County, Tennessee
Transcribed by Joe Lynn-7-2003
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
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