Thomas “Tommie” Brown-b.1773
m-Nancy Jane Litton
October-2001, Ref.-Planters and Pioneers- Life in Colonial Virginia, By Parke Rouse, Jr.
Name Scots-Irish, Subject: Around 1730 the migration of Scots-Irish from Pennsylvania to Virginia began in earnest. These settlers had entered America in Philadelphia, and then moved South to take up land in the valley of Virginia. They centered in the counties of Augusta, Rockbridge, Bath, Highland, Allegany, Botetourt, and the lands of the Southwest. the towns of Winchester, Stauton, Lexington, Fincastle, and Abingdon were largely Scots-Irish. The great Migration continued until the Revolution. These settlers, most all of them were Presbyterians, moved frequently. Many were so poor they had indentured themselves to obtain passage to America. Scots-Irish families included Breckinridge, BROWN, Graham, Alexander, Lewis, White, Reid, Houston, Paxton, McClure, McCrum, Preston, Blair, Campbell, Pickens, Stuart, McDowell, Johnston, and Rutledge.
Thomas Brown was beleived to have been indentured when he married Nancy Litton, he was born in Fincastle, Botetourt County Virginia, his family name is mentioned among those families that emigrated. Therefore his Ancestors probably landed in Philadelphia. More research is needed in this area.
The Brown Family
By: Jimmie Brown Askew
Thomas Brown was born about 1773 in Fincastle, Virginia. He was married to Nancy Litton in 1795. They came to Jackson County about 1800. Jackson County was formed in 1801 and engulfed the area of what is now Clay County. Thomas bought 8,000 acres of land on the Dry Fork of Flynn's Creek where he lived. At this time Thomas and Nancy had four children who had been born in Fincastle, Virginia: Ferby, John "Jackie", Lockney, and Dudley. Henderson, Lucinda, and Jimmerson were born in Jackson County Tennessee on Dry Fork of the Flynn's Creek. Nancy died sometime after 1806. Thomas later married Elizabeth ? , who died after 1860. (Editor's note: It is believed Elizabeth was a Billingsley. See later notes.)
Thomas divided his land among his children as they married. I am descended from one of his sons, Dudley Brown (1799-1891), whose log cabin still stands on a high hill on Dry Fork. It was built on a level piece of land on the crest of the hill. The narrow winding road leading to it snakes almost straight up to this flat land, and after walking only a few feet from the edge, nothing can be seen except the cabin, the sky, and the land surrounding it. One gets the feeling of being on top of the world. The cabin's in accessability kept it isolated for the last 160 years, which accounted in part for its amazing state of preservation. The original floor, mantel, and doors were still in good condition, but the top story (of the cabin) had been blown off, and a kitchen that had once been attached to one end of the cabin near the chimney, had been torn away. The logs of the house were secured with wooden pegs. There is a family cemetary, grown up with weeds in the back of the house with eight or ten graves marked with crude linestone rocks. It has been said that Dudley said he owned all the land he could see from the edge of this high point.
(Excerpted from the above document by Joe Lynn, 1996)
THOMAS BROWN'S farm was entered in state records in 5-may-1801(Tennessee State Land Archives)
From: Jackson County Tomb Stone Records-Copied by Maude McGlasson, 1936
Information given by W.M. (MARSH) BROWN, of the Nameless Community, he is 84 years old, and a Great Grandson of TOMMY BROWN and wife, and Grandson of JACKIE BROWN.
Tommie Brown and wife (whose name is unknown to the Brown Family of today) came from "Ole Virginnie" in the early Pioneer days and settled on and around in the country from Dry Fork Creek of Flynn's Creek and south of the Bell Hill, later called Nameless Community, on a farm of some 6000-8000 acres. Mrs. BROWN (NANCY) died a few years after coming to this section, what is now Jackson County. They had four sons namely-DUDLEY BROWN, HENDERSON BROWN, JACKIE BROWN, and JIMMIE BROWN. The people realizing the need for a Church in the community, they decided to build a house and called it a free church for all Churches to use for worship. This house was located on the grounds where TOMMY BROWN lived for many years. And at that time his son lived there too. DUDLEY BROWN the eldest son, and brother, HENDERSON says, I will put up one side of the house, which he did of nice big logs, cut and hewn by himself. The community assisted with the completion of the house named for Uncle JIMMIE (JIMMERSON) BROWN and his sons, "BROWN'S CHAPEL".
As the custom was in those days, there must be room near the church house to bury the dead. DUDLEY BROWN deeded the land for this purpose, known as "BROWN'S CHAPEL GRAVEYARD". The graveyard located on the east side of Dry Fork Creek of Flynn's Creek, and the church on the west side, and the same with the road. Now a gravel road.
There are many graves here. Many soldiers of both Revolutionary and Civil War are buried here, grave on top of grave, as the early ones were un-marked. This BROWN's Chapel graveyard, located in the 11th Civil District of Jackson County, Tenn., on Dry Fork of Flynn's Creek. Out from Gainesboro 8 miles, west on Highway 53, to Fork of Creek School house, turn to the left, thence up Dry Fork Creek of Flynn's Creek, 4 miles. This farm is now owned by Sid Ragland, who lives some 200 yards South, on the right of the creek and road from the graveyard.
1995- New evidence has been received confirming that THOMAS BROWN's second wife was Elizabeth Billingsley. (See Billingsleys Family in America) a book in the Jackson County Public Library. Also see notes of Elizabeth Billingsley. This evidence was from the personal papers of Minnie Payne Crawford, who died in Cookeville, Tn. December 01, 1958. Her papers went to her brother Hubert Crawford, who died, and passed papers to his son William Glen Crawford, who made me copys and gave them to me in 1995. He too has passed away.
Thomas Brown Military Record - War of 1812
Mustered in 13-Nov-1814 to 15-May-1815 under Major General William Carroll,
Served Under Colonel James Roulston, as a Private, in Captain Matthew Cowen's Company of Militia
Infantry, 3rd Regt. West Tennessee Militia Infantry, at The Battle of New Orleans. Thomas initial may have been either "S" or "G".
This from Ancestry.com, War of 1812 Muster rolls.
1. Extracts from Military File #1094, War of 1812: Harvey Spurlock:
Capt. Mathew Cowen's Co. of Mil. Inf., 3 Reg, West TN Militia: Mustered in 13 Nov
1814 to 15 May 1815, died 26 Jan 1815, a Private - paid $19.35 for 2 months and
13 days.
...THOMAS BROWN appeared before me John Graham...and made oath that he
served a tour of duty in the service of the United States in...New Orleans in
Captain Matthew Cowens company under the command of Major General William
Carroll with the above mentioned Harvy Spurlock and that said Spurlock died
while in the service of aforesaid at New Orleans on the 28th (sic) day of January 1815
Signed....THOMAS BROWN, 9-Sep-1819.
I certify that THOMAS BROWN a private in Capt. Cowans company in my Division of
Tennessee Militia, has performed a tour of duty of six months, 0 days in the service
of the United States-that his good conduct,suberdination and valor, under the most
trying hardships, entitle him to the gratitude of his country; and he is hereby HONORABLY
SIGNED: Wm. Carroll, Major General 2d Division Tennessee Militia.
Affadavit: DATED 1815: (We have copy from the Military Archives)
Know all men by these present that I Thomas Brown of the County of Jackson and
State of Tennessee for value received, have made, ordain, authorize,nominate and
appoint Joseph Woods my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name and for
his own use to ask and demand, sue for and and receive of any of they paymasters
that may be appointed to make payment to the troops that have served in the United
States all the pay that is due me as a private soldier in Capt. Mathew Cowens company
under the command Major General William Carrol in 2 district of W.T.M and the said (illegable)
is hereby authorized to receipt for the same which shall be binding on me as if I myself
ware present. Given under my hand and seal this August 11, 1815. Thomas Brown (Seal)
Recived at the Lynn/Brown reunion 7-2-2005 from Joe Howard Brown-Springfield, Tn.
1 comment:
I am looking for documentation that Nancy Jane Litton is the daughter of John Richard Litton b.1726; m. Sarah Wilcoxen 1749; d.1804.
Can you help me?
thank you for your time
Shirley Harman
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